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My Best Friends and My Family Game Patreon

Huge thank you to my Patreon Crew from FibroJedi (FJ)

  • Meet my Support Network
    • → The FibroJedi Patreon Crew!
    • → The Astonishing Anonymous
    • → Why These Folks Are Crawly
    • → Equal Appreciation Order
  • Why Join My Patreon Coiffure?
  • One-Off Souvenir?
    • → Other Ways?
  • You Back up By Being You lot!
  • TL;DR Humbled and Grateful

Everyone in the world relies on someone or something to exist able to live. Fifty-fifty the most independent people may still have a job, or want a dwelling delivery or demand to see friends. It'southward just office of how we're congenital, I recollect. Even if we don't identify as existence part of a community, information technology's rare not to yet be in i. You could find a mountainside hideaway cave, cut off from people, live off the state, make your own clothes and generate your ain electricity and nevertheless you'd likely need advice or supplies that y'all tin only learn from someone or somewhere else! And so it is for me, living in a random country hamlet, practically in the center of nowhere, all the same supported by people around the globe via Patreon. This is my thanks to them. And if yous're one of my Patrons reading this – this is my thanks to you, on superlative of those I give in Patron-only posts!

Run into my Support Network

People tin also (and sometimes do) donate via Ko-Fi external-link-alt – and if that'south you, I desire y'all to know that your giving is noticed and massively appreciated!

The FibroJedi Patreon Crew!

But here, it is to those people that commit to regular support via Patreon external-link-alt I wish to give special thanks to.

LOTRO Legacy team

The Amazing Bearding

Some have called not to be named, or take not responded to my question about whether they're happy to be named – in that case I haven't. If you are not named, this is to protect your freedom to choose, non to value yous less. Get in affect Twitter or through Patreon if you lot're happy to be named.

Why These Folks Are Crawly

When the COVID crunch and earth-wide lockdowns hit, I had steeled myself against the very real possibility of people no longer being able to keep support. You must use your finances to look after yourself and those people and causes close to you lot first. Although I would have found it hard, I would accept besides totally understood, sympathised with, and supported that conclusion. But it didn't turn out like that. So, thank you!

Equal Appreciation Order

I am not a "sales person". I never have been. Because of Fibromyalgia symptoms, chronic fatigue symptoms and all the other things, I don't have capacity for making tiers of supporters with "special rewards". I don't estimate anyone who can practice this just for me personally, I don't want to "upsell" or "incentivise" people to give more. And so although I technically have three "tiers", I don't treat someone who gives £two differently to someone who gives £1. And I've had Patrons who gave betwixt and above the tiers. I capeesh all my supporters in equal measure out.


Why Join My Patreon Crew?

Every bit I said, I'm not a salesperson. So the following is what all Patrons get as a thanks for their support.

Early on Access to nigh blog posts
Your opinions and input requested
Featured on this Page (Optional)
Padawan, Knight and Primary "Advantage" titles.

My Patreon Landing Page

Run into My Patreon Folio

Sponsored Links

One-Off Gift?

Ko-Fi page for FibroJedi

If you'd similar to make a one-off gift, you tin can practice so via my Ko-Fi folio. All the coffee I beverage in the part is FairTrade external-link-alt and funded from funds generated through Ko-Fi!
Visit My Ko-Fi →

Other Ways?

For other ways (not necessarily about finances) you back up me, run across How Tin You Support Me?

You Back up By Being You!

If y'all're not in either of the groups, I can guarantee that I feel your back up. Every tweet you like, every social media chat, and every website visit and reshare is massively appreciated. It helps me know what I am making here is useful to yous – which is my top priority in my content. And then, whether information technology's financial or not – you support me past beingness you and doing what you practise just past reading my small contributions in an enormous gaming customs.

TL;DR Humbled and Grateful

That so many people have chosen to support my family and myself through such tough worldwide circumstances is humbling. I am massively grateful to all of you who have donated in the past – whether on-offs or by months of Patreon support. It's wonderful to know I'm supported and cared for past then many. I cannot hold down a "normal job" so my web log is the closest affair. So cheers, with everything I have.

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All my content will e'er be freely bachelor. However, if you'd like to support myself and my family, please consider buying us a virtual coffee. Either way, give thanks y'all for visiting, I capeesh it!
Tip me a Coffee, please.

Desire to Talk?

Comments are disabled on my site, simply please do bulletin me on Twitter or Facebook.

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